Solar Oven

We offer you a solar oven – multifunctional device for cooking using the sunpower. It can be installed in any place of your house. The photovoltaic system inside transform sunlight into electricity and, therefore, you can cook anywhere. The dish could be prepared as if for an oven or stove top. However, because it cooks faster when in smaller pieces, food placed inside a solar cooker and should be cut into little parts than it might otherwise be.

solar oven

The solar cooker is directed towards the sun and left until the food is ready. Unlike cooking on a stove or over a fire, which may require much time of constant supervision, food in our cooker is not stirred or turned over. Excellent solution for travellers! Start thinking about your future today – use alternative energy and save money with our multifunctional solar oven
solar cooker
According to cooker’s features the quality of prepared food is absolutely the same as if it is prepared traditionally. Our products have passed special certificatian and are ready for home operation. We offer completely free shipping, setting and testing as a bonus to your purchase. The best price in California: 225$!

solar oven for sale

Check out our best solar panels too! 😉

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